
Ukrainians in The Netherlands

The Bibliotheek Zuid-Kennemerland wants to help by providing a safe place where all are welcome. Besides assistance with practical matters, the library is a place to connect with others or find welcome distraction and relaxation. This page is meant for both refugees and people who want to help.

The conflict in Ukraine has caused chaos and destruction. Millions have been forced to flee their home and country. Most refugees from Ukraine are women and children. The United Nations have named this the greatest refugee crisis in Europe since World War II. A growing number of Ukrainians have found their way to The Netherlands.

Note: Some pages might not be available in English - try Google Translate.

Free membership up to 18 years old.

This will give access to all books and the online collection. Children up to 2 years old will get a free starter kit: an orange mini suitcase with two picture books.

You can ask our staff at the front desk of any of our nine branches and they will be happy to assist you. Please do so during our full service hours.

Opening hours

The Bibliotheek Zuid-Kennemerland offers:

  • Free WiFi and charging points 
  • Free activities for children such as music for toddlers and arts and crafts  
  • Our staff is happy to assist you during our full service hours   
  • Large collection of free (international) newspapers and magazines 
  • Books in Ukrainian have been ordered – more information will follow  
  • A safe space for relaxation and connection with others 

Refugee Help

RefugeeHelp is the online starting point for Ukrainian refugees in the Netherlands and everyone who wants to help. Information in Ukrainian, Russian, English and Dutch 

Go to the website


Donate items or help?

Your municipality can point you in the right direction.

Picture books in your language

Listen to children’s books in Ukrainian, Arabic, Pasjtoe and many other languages.  

Go to the books

Youth library

Lots of fun and practical stuff for kids – all in Ukrainian 

Go to the website


Free access in the libary to 4300 newspapers and magazines 

More information